• +6221-392 7422
  • sisni@bsn.go.id
Detail SNI
  1. SNI 01-3140.1-2001,Gula kristal mentah (raw sugar)
  1. SNI 19-0428-1998 Petunjuk pengambilan contoh padatan
  2. SNI 01-2891-1992 Cara uji makanan dan minuman
  1. ICUMSA Methods Book no. GS 1-7 (1994), The Determination of Conductivity Ash in Raw, Brown Sugar, Juice, Syrup and Molasses
  2. Codex Alimentarius Commission Volume II, Sugar, Cocoa products and Chocolate Miscellaneous Products, Honey, Confectionery and Icing Mixture, 1997
  3. ICUMSA Methods Book no. GS 1/2/3-1 (1994), The Determination of the Polarisation of Raw Sugar by Polarimetry
  4. ICUMSA Methods Book no. GS 2/1/3-15 (1994), The Determination of Sugar Moisture by loss on drying
  5. ICUMSA Methods Book no. GS 4-13, The Determination of Refractometry Dry Substance
  6. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 69 tahun 1999 tentang Label dan Iklan Pangan