• +6221-392 7422
  • sisni@bsn.go.id
Detail SNI
  1. SNI 7276:2014,Plastik - Tangki air silinder vertikal - Polietilena (PE)
  1. ASTM D 638, Test methode for tensile properties of plastics
  2. ASTM D 792, Standard test methods for density and specific gravity (relative density) or plastic by displacement.
  1. ASTM D 883, Standard terminology relating to plastics.
  2. ASTM D 1998-97, Standard spesification for polyethylene upright storage tanks.
  3. EN 1186-3-2002, Plastics-food contact article plastics – Part 3: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by total immersion.
  4. Hygienic regulation on food contact articles in Japan No. 95D (T)-2.
  5. Peraturan Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan No 20 Tahun 2019 tentang Kemasan Pangan.